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MWC Kappa Dept. meets Tuesday
The Kappa Department of the Murray Woman’s Club will meet at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 6, at the clubhouse. Members should bring a salad for the Salad Supper. Annual dues will be collected and new yearbooks will be distributed. Hostesses are the department officers.
Volunteer opportunity at LBL Homeplace
There is a volunteer opportunity at the Homeplace 1850’s double-pen house in Land Between the Lakes. Historicorps is partnering with the Forest Service and Friends of LBL to facilitate some much needed repairs. Historicorps projects are free for volunteers and will provide all meals, tools, training, equipment and a campsite. Some of the projects will be removing oak shakers and gutters, replace purlins and roof decking as needed, install new cedar shake roof and flashing and install new and salvaged gutters. The work sessions are Sept. 18-23; Sept. 25-30; Oct. 2-7; Oct. 9-14. Email if interested or visit
The MAG Community Art Center announces upcoming workshops beginning in September. To register or for more information, visit or call 270-753-4059.
• Whirl program for preschoolers, ages 3 to 6. Whirl is a partnership between MAG, Playhouse in the Park and Quincy’s Academy of Performing Arts and combines elements of story, theater, dance and art in a fun, low-stress environment. Classes will be four Fridays, starting Sept. 9, from 9-10:15 a.m. at Playhouse in the Park Theater.
• Go With the Flow: A creative exercise in independent practice, taught by local artist Ann Beyer. In this class, participants will experiment with different drawing, painting and collaging techniques, culminating in a simple book. Classes begin Tuesday evenings in September from 6-9 p.m. for older teens and adults. No experience is necessary.
• One Thing Leads to Another: Exploring the repeating pattern, taught by local artist Anne Beyer. Participants will explore how to make their own repeating pattern; they will then create a carved stamp, and using fabric paint, stamp a tea towel with their own design. Classes begin Monday evenings Sept. 12, from 6-9 p.m. for older teens and adults. No experience necessary.
CERT course to be offered
Calloway County Emergency Management will offer a CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) course beginning Thursday, Sept. 15, at CCFR Station 1 and continue for eight weeks from 6-9 p.m. each Thursday. This is a FEMA program to train citizens in basic emergency preparedness and response topics. Those who finish the course will be issued a backpack with valuable response equipment. Those interested can register by contacting Bill Call at or call 270-293-0068. The classes are free of charge.
MHS Class of 1962 to hold 60th reunion
The Murray High School Class of 1962, along with the Class of 1961, will hold a reunion Friday, Sept. 9, and Saturday, Sept. 10. On Friday, Sept. 9, the group will meet from 2-4 p.m. at Dumplin’s for wine and dessert. From 5:30-9 p.m. the class will be at the Big Apple Cafe for dinner with an optional visit to the MHS football game at 7 p.m. On Saturday, Sept. 10, the day will begin from 9-11 a.m. at the Murray Middle School (old Murray High School) entrance for a meet-and-greet with anyone who would like to visit with the class. There will be no food or drink provided. From 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. lunch will be at The Keg; and from 2-4 p.m. at Dumplin’s again or 3-5 p.m. Happy Hour at Tom’s Grille or Murray State tailgating beside the stadium for the 7 p.m. kickoff. The class will meet from 5-9 p.m. at Tom’s Grille for dinner. Funds will be collected for rental fee and hors d’oeuvres. The reunion is open to any and all MHS alumni who would like to visit with the class at any of the venues. For more information, contact James Frank Wilson at or call 865-617-4916.
Chiari Walk Across America planned
The Conquer Chiari Walk Across America will be held Saturday, Sept. 17, at Roy Stewart Stadium. Registration is at 3 p.m. and the walk begins at 4 p.m. Participants can run, walk or roll 3K. For more information, contact Stephanie Wilson at 2770-727-9028 or email Register online at
The MAG Community Art Center announces its recent MAG Gallery exhibit, “Bridgeable Shores,” by Murray State University student Kerrie Pullen. Pullen is the winner of MAG’s MAGpie Award from MSU’s OMAS Annual Student Art Exhibit held each spring. The public is invited to attend the opening of this exhibit from 6-7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 30. The exhibit will run Aug. 30 to Oct. 22, and can be viewed during normal MAG business hours of Tuesday-Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
MWC Garden Dept. will meet
The Garden Department of the Murray Woman’s Club will meet at 1 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 1, at the clubhouse. The program will be presented by Ellen Contri on “Attracting Pollinators.” The hostesses are Charlene Barnes and Dena Phillips.
CCPL to close for Labor Day
The Calloway County Public Library will be closed Monday, Sept. 5, for Labor Day.
Calloway County Homemakers Annual Day will be Friday, Sept. 9, at the Calloway County Extension Office Meeting Hall. Registration is at 9:30 a.m. and the program begins at 10 a.m. A potluck meal will be served and visitors are welcome. RSVP at the Extension Office at 270-753-1452 by Friday, Sept. 2.
WKAS to hold public meeting
West Kentucky Allied Services will hold a public meeting at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 13, at 607 Poplar St., Murray. This meeting is for electing a low-income representative to serve on the WKAS Board of Directors. The individual does not have to be of low-income, but must be nominated by the low-income of the community. The term of office is two years. For questions, call 270-753-0908.
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